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Update News:
[Nov 23, 2015] For authors who have not registered and want to register onsite, please be informed that only credit card and money transfer is accepted for onsite payment( No cash paymant). For Banking information , Please Click >>
[Nov 11, 2015] BMEiCON2015 Keynote page is now available. Click>>
[Oct 18,2015] BMEiCON2015 Drafted Program is now available.Click>>
[Oct 18,2015] Edas is reopened until Oct 31, 2015 for Camera Ready paper for authors who have not yet uploaded. Paper format that don't comply with IEEE format can not be included in the IEEE Explore.
[Oct 13,2015] More information about early-bird registration. Early-bird registration is dued on Oct 15, 2015. After the early-bird deadline, authors have to pay late (onsite) registration rate. For authors who fail to register or register but fail to present their research paper at the conference, the manuscript will not be included in the IEEE Explore.
[Oct 7, 2015] For authors who attended BMEiCON 2014, you are eligible for ThaiBMES one-year membership. To check your membership. Click>>
[Oct 7, 2015] Registration system is now opened. Click >>
[Oct 1, 2015] Authors who need invitation letters for Kingdom of Thailand VISA applcation, please send request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Sep 30, 2015] Registration information is now available. Click >> for details
[Sep 16, 2015] Accommodation information is now available. Click >> for details.
[Sep 8, 2015] The deadline for paper submission is officially closed. However, the submission system is still opened for a few days for author to revise and/or re-submit. The notification date will be deferred to Oct 1, 2015.
[Sep 1. 2015] [Second Deadline Extension]: The deadline of regular paper submission will be extended to Sep 7, 2015 due to further request. This deadline will be the hard deadline.
[Aug 21,2015] : Due to numerous request, the deadline of regular paper submission will be extended to Aug 31, 2015.
[Jue 30, 2015] To submit paper and have paper format complied with IEEE , authors are advised to use IEEE express for converting MS Word format to PDF. IEEE Express instruction is now available. Please click>>
[Dec 1st, 2014] BMEiCON2015 Website launched.
[Mar 6th, 2015] BMEiCON 2015 venue is A one Pattaya Beach Resort
[Mar 11, 2015] BMEiCON updated information can also access in Facebook Page.
The 8th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON2015) is intended to provide an international forum where researchers, practitioners, and professionals interested in the advances in, and applications of, biomedical engineering canexchange the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas through presentation and discussion.
The BMEiCON2015 will be held in Pattaya, Thailand, during November 25-27, 2015. The organizing committee is pleasedto invite all engineers, physicians, scientists, technicians, and technologists to attend and help shape the future of biomedicaltechnology. The topics for regularsessions include, but are not limited to, the followings:
-Biomedical signal processing
- Biomedical imaging and image processing
- Bioinstrumentation
- Bio-robotics and biomechanics
- Biosensors and Biomaterials
- Cardiovascular and respiratory systems engineering
- Cellular and Tissue Engineering
- Healthcare information systems
- Human machine/computer interface
- Medical device design
- Neural and rehabilitation engineering
- Technology commercialization, industry, education, and society
- Telemedicine
- Therapeutic and diagnostics systems
- Recent advancements in biomedical engineering
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers, including figures, tables, and references, via our website at
All papers will be peer reviewed and handled electronically. All papers submittedmust be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period.
Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and presentthe paper at the conference. For additional information and submission guidelines, please visit ourwebsite at
Important Dates
Regular paper submission deadline: August 20, 2015
Notification of regular paper acceptance :Oct 1, 2015
Camera-ready submission deadline: Oct 15, 2015
Early registration deadline: October 15, 2015
Conference Date: November 25-27, 2015
Chuchart Pintavirooj, KMTL
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.