General chair message

        Welcome to the 15th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON2023). Techincal support by IEEE EMBS (Thailand), IEEJ (Japan) and IFMBE,   BMEiCON is the main annual international conference organized by the Thai Biomedical Engineering Association (ThaiBME) which had been held in famous cities around Asia including Chiang Mai, Sapporo, Luang Prabang, Pattaya, Fukuoka, Krabi, Ubon Ratchathani, Kyoto, Phuket, and Bangkok since its inaugural event. This year, the BMEiCON venue is organized In Japan at Suzukakedai Campus  of Tokyo Technology Institute,  houses many of the Institute's Research Centers, Laboratories, and units.

         BMEiCON 2023 still have the aims of bringing together engineers, researchers and physicians from around the world to present their advances in the fields of biomedical engineering. This year, we proudly present a wide pool of expertise comprising of 111 paper presentations and four renowned keynote presentations including Prof. Hiroshi Kimura, Prof. Takafumi Suzuki, Prof. Tadayuki Akagi and Prof. Jamie A. O’Reilly. 
Each presentation will be held according to the program enlisted on the website and will be available for you to participate in the discussions.

           All papers submitted to BMEiCON2023 were peer-reviewed by technical program committee and reviewers. In addition, BMEiCON2023 is accomplished by the dedication and the assistance of the organizing committee and all staffs. I would like to express my gratitude to all committee members and staffs for their hard works. I am also grateful for the contributions provided by our keynote speakers, the authors, and participants who join to advance research in biomedical engineering and its related fields. I hope that you will find BMEiCON2023 a great forum for exchanging your ideas and research, and also building up your research network.

           Wish you all a great success at BMEiCON2023 and a pleasant stay in Tokyo.


                                                                                       Tohru YAGI

                                                                    General chair of BMEiCON 2023


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