President of Thai societies of Biomedical Engineering

It is my great honor to welcome all the participants to the 15th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON 2023), an annual international conference series, which is held in cooperation with ThaiBME, IEEJ, IFMBE and IEEE between October 28, 2023, and October 31, 2023, in Tokyo, Japan. BMEiCON 2023 is the fourth BMEiCON conference that has been held in Japan. Thanks to the support of our partners IEEJ as well as our friend and colleague in Japan. 

      BMEiCON mission is to advance the application of engineering, science and technology to medicine and biology, and to promote the profession for the benefit of its members and humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, fostering professional development and recognizing excellence. Conferences are important activities and provide a valuable platform for the exchanging of ideas, reporting the latest results in R&D efforts, and debating up-to-date topics.

     As a president of ThaiBME, the main organizer, I would like to welcome you all to BMEiCON conference which is an important Biomedical Engineering event organized annually by Thaibmes.  I wish that all participants will achieve what you aim for, gain a great experience, and build up your research connection here at BMEiCON2023. I also hope that you will have a pleasant stay in Tokyo Japan.

Somkiat Watanasirichaigoon

President of Thai societies of Biomedical Engineering

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